School Counseling Youtube Video Resource Guide

As you know kiddos love videos and incorporating some short, fun clips into your guidance lessons can be a great visual aid when teaching a key character word or lesson. When I am planning for a lesson I have an idea in my head of a video I want to show but I end up wasting precious time on Youtube and Pinterest looking for one to fit my needs. I’ve compiled a list with links to some videos I’ve used in guidance lessons and with groups. These are short and funny and are intended to be supplemental material for your lesson or to serve as a conversation starter.

Conflict Resolution

These three videos are from The Olive Branch. Each one shows how two characters compromise when they have a conflict. These clips do not have any dialogue and are perfect for starting a discussion.

This video is a funny rap about Kelso’s Choices. It is to the beat of “Ice Ice Baby.” It’s a great way for kiddos to memorize the choices.

Cyber Safety


Kid President is so fun! This one is a pep talk for teachers and students. Perfect for back to school or after winter break.

This video is great for an upper elementary girls self-esteem group. It focuses on body image. Dove has a lot of great resources for this topic.

Growth Mindset

These 5 videos are designed to be played in order. They tell the story of Mojo, a monster who wants to give up because he doesn’t think he is smart. It is created by Class Dojo and is super cute. Class Dojo also has other video series inlcuding mindfulness and empathy.

Sesame Street also has a ton of great videos for explaining character traits. This one is a fun Bruno Mars’ song about not giving up.

This video is a good way to introduce fixed mindset for older elementary students. It shows a student doubting herself when she knows the answer. 

Bullying Prevention

This video clip teaches students to be upstanders instead of bystanders. It is from The NED Show which has lots of character education resources as well.

These two videos are for upper elementary or middle school. They are more extreme but have a powerful message. 

This video is for older kids and features internet celebrities sharing the impact, both good and bad, that our words have on others.


This video is about a bird who tries to climb up a mountain. Even though he has setbacks he stays determined.


Here is another awesome one from Sesame Street! This one is great for Kindergarten and other little ones. Warning: It will get stuck in your head for days!

I think this one is actually part of an insurance commercial, but it is so cute! There are three funny scenarios where animals have to work together. The videos do not have dialogue so they are good as a discussion starter.


This video is also from The NED Show and shows real kids talking about their ingredients for friendship soup. It is perfect for a friendship group discussing qualities of a good friend. You could then make friendship soup with your group! Or my students made friendship pizza instead.


This Pixar short film doesn’t have any dialogue and is perfect for starting a discussion about kindness. It can also be used to discuss friendship, bullying, and social skills.

Here is another great one from Kid President! These 20 things are funny yet meaningful that both adults and kids can relate to.


This video features real kids sharing their thoughts on empathy. It is perfect for upper elementary students.

Anxiety / Stress

This one is from Sesame Street too. It is a music video teaching kids to belly breathe featuring Common and Colbie Cailliat.


This video has a cute song for younger elementary students (Pre K and Kindergarten.) It is great for feelings recognition.

Movie clips from Disney’s Inside Out are great for discussing feelings. I especially like this one for observing how Riley’s emotions change throughout the day. I have also used it to discuss The Zones of Regulation with students.

This clip is great to discuss grief. Riley feels sad when she thinks of an old memory. Students can then discuss memories of a lost loved one or pet.


This one is from Sesame Street too! Cookie Monster has to practice self-control for a game show. 

Following Directions

This one is so fun! My students love dancing around to it. They have to think fast and listen carefully to directions.

My students love the Minions! This funny video shows different clips of Minions breaking class rules. I play it during the first session of a counseling group when we are establishing group rules. There are also seasonal variations of the song!

Go Noodle

Go Noodle is free to sign up for and is a fabulous resource to get kids up and moving. Teachers use this resource a lot for indoor PE and stretch breaks but for school counseling I especially love the mindfulness videos.

Youtube Video Downloader

Check out this video downloader so you don’t have pesky ads (which are often inappropriate for an elementary audience) at the front of your video clip. Be sure not to click the green install button or the blue arrow. These could potentially download a program to your computer. If you click the green download video you are only downloading the mp4 for the video. You can check out the tutorial I created below.

There you have it! 30 videos to get you started down the Youtube rabbit hole. Enjoy!

Please comment and share some of your favorite videos for school counseling. I’d love to see them. 

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elementary shcool counseling video resource guide

30 youtube videos for school counseling


17 responses to “School Counseling Youtube Video Resource Guide”

  1. Percy Holmes Avatar
    Percy Holmes

    Wow,I started incorporating videos into my lessons last yesterday and the kids loved it. I noticed some of the same videos that I saw or used on the list. I appreciate you taking the time to compile this list.

    1. Rachel Davis Avatar
      Rachel Davis

      You’re welcome, Percy!! I hope your kiddos enjoy the videos!

  2. This is awesome. I’ve used several of these and learned about several new ones. To have them all in one place as a quick reference is super helpful! Thank you!

    1. Rachel Davis Avatar
      Rachel Davis

      Thanks Jodi! I am so glad you find it helpful!

  3. Debi Hyde Avatar
    Debi Hyde

    Thanks! You obviously spent a lot of time compiling this and are so gracious to share!!

    1. Rachel Davis Avatar
      Rachel Davis

      You’re welcome Debi! I had used them all before but they were scattered in a lot of places so it was a nice way to get organized and share with others!

  4. These videos are wonderful resources for elementary school students. The students must have some interactive instructional resources in order to keep them tuned in.

    1. Rachel Davis Avatar
      Rachel Davis

      Yes, Ricke! I agree. I am so glad you found the videos helpful.

  5. Thank you, thank you, thank you! I too have many videos in many different places. I am in the process of moving them all to my Google Classroom. It was very generous of you to share these/

    1. Rachel Davis Avatar
      Rachel Davis

      You’re welcome, Cyndi. I was the same way! I am so glad it’s helping you.

  6. I wish there was a site like this for middle school counseling! Do you know of any?

    1. Hi John! Yes, Carol Miller – The Middle School Counselor has a website/blog. So does The Counseling Teacher Brandy. They are both fantastic!

  7. I wish there was a site like this for high school counseling! Do you know of any for this age group?

    1. My friend Lauren is a hs counselor with a great blog!

  8. Sandra Avatar

    Thank you for taking the time to compile this very comprehensive list. I am starting off as a School Counsellor in August after our summer break and I am so grateful for your list of resources. Thank you once again. Sandra 🙂

  9. Jackie Smith Avatar
    Jackie Smith

    Thank you so much for taking the time to put all of this together. I am currently working on making one for myself so it was amazing to stumble upon this list!!! I have to admit, I was a little shocked by the Dance Around! video in the following directions section. It is very gender specific and it just made me slightly uncomfortable to show that to kids. I am not by any means teaching them about gender or identity but I wouldn’t want to make any children feel uncomfortable and this certainly made me feel uncomfortable. I know others will have different opinions, but I just wanted to suggest that people watch these videos before they show them to avoid any negative outcome. I know its just my opinion and I am truly thankful for your website, blogs, podcast etc. It’s helped me SO much this year already. I feel that this video specific is not one that should be shared.

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