How to Create a School Counseling End of the Year Report

As you’re wrapping up your school year and saying goodbye to students, don’t forget to show off all of your hard work and progress! I do this each year with an End of the Year Report. 

What is an End of the Year Report?

An End of the Year Report is exactly what it sounds like. A report you create at the end of the year to show how many students you served, how many guidance lessons you taught, and even how much time you spent with students! You can use it to show anything; student self-assessment and survey data, behavior progress individual students made, etc.

Why use an End of the Year Report? 

It is a great way to reflect on your program’s progress and feel proud of all of your hard work! This is where you will showcase the data you’ve been collecting all year. Your stakeholders can see what’s working (and sometimes what’s not!). This way you can modify your program to best fit all student needs. 

How do I create an End of the Year Report?

Everyone’s will look a little different, but start by gathering any data you have and compiling it in a report. You can do text only or create charts and graphs to show student progress.

For a quick and simple way to get started download my editable template here.

Here are some must-have stats you don’t want to forget:

  • Number of students served (broken down into individual and small group)

  • How much time you spent with students (average minutes per session over how many weeks)

  • Class guidance lesson topics covered and how frequently you taught them

  • Character education school-wide activities you hosted or implemented

  • PD, conferences, or trainings you attended or presented at

  • IEP, SST, etc meetings that you attended (include how many hours)

Where to collect data from:

  • Student self-assessments

  • Teacher/parent feedback

  • Observations

  • Pre and post group surveys

  • Progress monitoring scales

Wondering how you can collect data throughout the school year? Read this blog post.

how you can collect data throughout the school year

Want to get a detailed look at how to create an End of the Year Report? Check out my Instagram stories highlight under “favorite resources”.

I truly think you will find creating an End of the Year Report a valuable experience. It is such a good way to self-reflect on what you did well and see where you can improve next year. Plus it’s vital for advocating for your role by sharing how essential the services you provide are with your admin team.


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