3 Strategies to Help you Improve your Individual Counseling Sessions

Individual counseling sessions can feel overwhelming, but they don’t have to be! Check out these three strategies to simplify your one-on-one counseling sessions.

1. Individual Counseling Strategy: Plan for a Successful Session

Having a plan makes everything easier right? I’m such a planner. (Confession: I even read the menu before I go to a restaurant so I can plan what to order!) With individual counseling, taking the time to plan out your sessions in advance will save you so much time and stress in the long run.

  1. Start by writing outlines of what you’ll cover in each session and which objective you’re trying to meet. (Hint: head to ASCA to reference the Mindsets and Behaviors when you’re writing your objectives.)

  2. You can also meet with parents, teachers, and the student themselves to identify what the goal and purpose of the individual sessions will be.

  3. Once you identify your objective, then you simply fill in the blanks of your outline with engaging activities and a journal reflection to reinforce the concept they’re learning.

Does writing outlines seem overwhelming? I’ve got you covered with my complete individual curriculum that includes ASCA-aligned outlines and all of the activities, journals, and data tools you need.

2. Individual Counseling Strategy: Build Genuine Rapport

Try one (or all) of these 5 ways to build rapport:

  1. Get to know you icebreakers (Include fun questions not just counseling related ones!)

  2. Parent / teacher check ins (This helps you get to know the student better plus the student may hear you asking about them and know you care.)

  3. Student check-ins (Stop by their class, lunch, or recess to say hi outside of regular scheduled sessions.)

  4. Show an interest in their hobbies / personal life (Remembering little things goes a long way. Write it down if necessary!)

  5. Customize curriculum to fit their needs (Design activities with characters that look or act like them so they resonate with the concepts more.)

Snag this Individual Counseling Cheat Sheet to learn the ins and outs of individual counseling.

Looking for a low prep and completely planned individual curriculum to use with students? You’ll love this bundle.

3. Individual Counseling Strategy: Collect Data to Measure Effectiveness and Advocate for your Role

3 must-have data tools for individual counseling:

  1. Student Rating Scales: Check-in with students each week on their perceived progress

  2. Behavior Progress Monitoring Forms: Survey parents and teachers to get their perspective on student progress

  3. Self-Assessments: Measure pre and post session results to key objectives

Wish you already had all of the data tools you need specific to individual counseling? I’ve got you covered with my complete individual counseling curriculum..

I hope these strategies make you feel prepared and confident for your upcoming individual sessions!


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