Summer PD for School Counselors

In addition to relaxing, I know many school counselors who look forward to professional development over the summer. This way they feel prepared to tackle a new school year. There are so many workshops to sort through, so this guide will help you find the perfect fit for you!

1. Stress Free School Counseling Bootcamp

Something I wish I knew when I was pursuing my Master’s degree was that grad school doesn’t quite prepare you for your first job as a school counselor. Most school counselors who have even a few years of experience will tell you that there was so much learning on the job and wish they had more practical professional learning as part of their course.

With this free Stress Free School Counseling Bootcamp, interns, fresh graduates or new hires will be given the tools, inspiration, and support they need to transform their counseling program from day one. The five part video series covers topics that include making the most of your internship, how to ace an interview, how to set up your school counseling office and a system for a stress free school year, and even shows you what you should be doing during your first 30, 60, and 90 days.

2. Bright Futures Counseling Free Workshops

One of the prime reasons I started Bright Futures Counseling, was to bring together members of the school counseling community to support their different needs, either through my workshops, my podcast, this blog, my IMPACT: School Counseling Membership Program, or even my TPT store.

If you’re looking for variety of go at your own pace workshops that cover different school counseling topics, you’ll love these. Whether you are a new counselor and are not sure how to get started, a veteran counselor who is looking to increase guidance lesson engagement, a counselor who wants to implement a school wide self-regulation program, or wondering how to support students when distance learning, there is something for everyone in these free workshops.

3. ASCA U Specialist Online Professional Development

If you’re looking for professional learning that goes beyond your usual summer workshops, long term specialist courses offered by ASCA, are what I would highly recommend. These paid credit courses are for you if you’d like to take a deep dive into a specific area. They offer courses on Anxiety & Stress, Bullying Prevention, Grief & Loss, School Counseling Data, Diversity, Equity & Inclusion, Trauma, and School Counseling Leadership, and more. I’ve taken the Bullying Prevention and School Counseling Leadership courses and they were great! My school even paid for them! These ASCA U Specialist courses take time and effort but are totally worth it.

4. ASCA Webinars

Free to ASCA members, these are a go-to for most school counselors, and interestingly, there are three that are of equal significance that might appeal to you. With veteran counselors and educators on the panel of speakers, your takeaways from ASCA workshops are bound to be quite solid! Check out these that are offered in June 2022.

Track your time and Share your Data 

Date: June 10, 2022

Time: 12 – 1 p.m. EDT

Culturally Sustaining Social/Emotional Learning 

Date: June 16, 2022

Time: 2 – 3 p.m. EDT

The School Counselor’s Role in Supporting Transgender and Non-Binary Students 

Date: June 21, 2022

Time: 12 -1 p.m. EDT

Do you utilize your summer break for professional learning? What are some trainings and workshops you plan to attend this summer? Let me know in the comments.


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