School Counseling Interview Questions

The interviewing process for a school position can be very intimidating. Believe me I know! When I graduated with my masters it seemed like there were barely any available positions. I was applying for jobs within an hour commute from my house! The interview process was full of ups and downs and when I finally landed a job I was thrilled. I’ve learned a lot in retrospect and I want to share it with you!

What I Learned Interviewing as a School Counselor

If you want to hear all about my interview mistakes and mishaps then you’ll love this podcast episode. I was super disappointed when I didn’t land the job of my dreams my first year out of grad school, but I didn’t let that disappointment stop me from gaining invaluable experience and preparing myself to land my dream job the next year. In this episode I share 5 steps that will have you feeling totally prepared to rock the interview process. I want you to learn from my mistakes and experiences so you can have a stress-free and enjoyable interview process and land the job you want! Listen here.

Mock Interview Questions for School Counselors

Did you know that the ASCA website provides mock interview questions you can practice to prepare? Check them out here. I wanted to break these down one by one so I had my friend Lauren from Counselor Clique on the podcast. We did a mock interview and it was a lot of fun! There are so many questions on the website, and we only had time to cover a few, so I encourage you to go check them out for yourself and find a friend to practice with! Not only did Lauren bring her perspective as an experienced high school counselor, but she has also sat on the other side of the table asking these questions to interviewees, so her insight is priceless! Listen to the episode here.

More worried about your resume than your actual interview? You have to check out this episode.

I hope you find these podcast episodes helpful as you prepare for your big interview! You’ve got this!


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