5 Best School Counseling Podcasts

Are you, like me, a podcast aficionado? One of my favorite things to do, especially on the drive to/from work or in between chores, is to listen to a good podcast. While I have my list of non-counseling favorites that I subscribe to, more often than not, I end up listening to ones related to my field. To be honest, podcasts can be pretty good PD! I for one, would never underestimate the power of learning through podcasts. So if you’re looking for school counseling podcast suggestions, here are five I would highly recommend:

1. School Counseling Simplified 

If you know me, you know how much I love serving the community of school counselors across the world. Also, because I’ve always loved listening to podcasts, I knew I wanted to create one to serve school counselors. Each week I share easy to implement strategies for busy school counselors where I divulge tips and tricks I have learned from my years of experience as a school counselor both in the US and at an international school in Costa Rica. I just recorded my 103rd episode!

What’s to love: The episodes are short and sweet, the strategies shared are super practical and easy to implement, and guest interviews, from time to time, with other school counselors/educators bring in a fresh flavor. 

My favorite episodes: Episode 100 – How to Teach when you’re not a Teacher, Episode 83 – Anxiety Strategies for Individual Counseling, Episode 73 – How to Create a Schedule that doesn’t Overwhelm You

2. High School Counseling Conversations 

The host, Lauren Tingle, of Counselor Clique, calls herself “your high school counseling hype girl” who serves other high school counselors who are burnt out, spread thin, or creatively stumped so that they can breathe new life into their school counseling program and remember why they loved this job in the first place.

High school counseling comes with its own share of unique challenges and Lauren covers these topics while still keeping it fun and upbeat. 

What’s to love: The podcast is targeted at high school counselors so if you don’t work with littles, you don’t have to worry about listening to a podcast that is not relevant to your scope of work.

My favorite episodes: Episode 9 – 3 Ideas for starting High School Counseling Small Groups from Scratch, Episode 32 – Back to School Tips for High School Counselors – Office Prep, Episode 30 – Where to look for Relevant High School Counseling Professional Development

3. Encouraging Words for School Counselors

Who doesn’t need an encouraging word from a fellow counselor, right? This podcast produced by Inspire Success airs weekly. It is hosted by Inspire Success’ Executive Director Matt Fleck.

What’s to love: It’s the kind of podcast you can listen to even between errands as each episode lasts for only 5-10 minutes. The podcast showcases a good mix of encouraging stories as well as everyday tips to lighten up your week at school. Also, school counselors are encouraged to write in and share with other counselors their own experiences/tips/advice.

My favorite episodes: Episode 91 – Purposeful Play Therapy Yields Results, Episode 93 – Showing Your True Self Opens Doors

4. Counselor Accents

Hosted by two school counselors, Laura Rankhorn and Kim Crumbley, who love their jobs and have southern accents (like me!), this podcast is great if you’re looking for practical tips for school counseling, social emotional learning strategies, and technology that will enhance your counseling program. 

What’s to love: The dialogue/conversational style of the podcast since there are two hosts. They often have amazing guests on as well.

My favorite episodes: Testing Season Strategies for School Counselors and Students, Using the Unsung Heroes in your School

5. 2 School Counselors

Hosted by  two school counselors, working in different districts, you will find this podcast is a “culturally-informed real talk about counseling students, our role in education, the state of counseling & education, and wellness.”

What’s to love: It is real and relevant, inclusive, thought-provoking, and it inspires action.

My favorite episodes: Episode 15 – Happy Pride Month – Supporting our LGBTQ+ Students, Episode 28 – Ma Rainey, Black Culture, and Black History

Do you enjoy listening to school counseling podcasts too? Which are your favorites? Let me know in the comments.


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